Artist as Collector

As a collector of art for years, it is an assemblage of like-minded things. One thing added to another begins as a journey and ends as a trip of unending discovery. There are worse ways to spend a life. Enjoy the quest!

Interior Notes – Diary Do’s

“I worry about forgetting memories and want something to look back on when I’m old and remember some of the ‘glory days’ of my late teens and early 20s.” –Alan Cooper Writing in journals and diaries has been a lifelong passion for many. I have been obsessed for years with catching fragments of thoughts as…

Disturbed by the Disturbance

If you want to write, you have to be willing to be disturbed.  Kate Green This quote catches my eye as I begin to write today.  Collecting quotes, words, snippets provides a hook as thoughts begin to surface.  I fish anywhere for clues to the creative process as  a part of my daily explorative routine.  I wonder – How disturbed is disturbed? The…

Swamp Drainers 101 – Indivisibility

Civics in action is not high on my feminist list these days. I’m old and tired.  So is our president.   Our big difference is I care about us, we, the people. He cares nothing about you people But I bet you’re wondering if those women can really do anything? If, like me, you couldn’t…

Three Steps to Creating A Poetry Chatbook

You are reading that right – this post is about a Chatbook not exactly a chapbook. A fun project in  August which coincided with my birth month was to write  a lot of short form fragments and create a Chatbook of them.  Chatbook is a company  I saw advertised frequently on Instagram. The concept seemed…

Poets To Read – Wislawa Szymborska

Poets who should be on your list but probably aren’t could be a most extensive list. Once you discover Szymborska you will find yourself returning to her again and again.  Here, in prose, savor her perspective.    Cosmic Solitude I admit that I find the question of life beyond Earth quite interesting, but still I’d prefer not…

Duned In In Delaware

the substance of a shadow in tall grass I wrote this fragment a couple of years ago in a journal on one of those days when nature and I found harmony.  This past Sunday such harmony found me again at one of my favorite Delaware beaches, Bethany Beach. I spent the day painting while my…

A Month of Poetry

  For special writing projects, I keep a separate journal. This year for National Poetry Month I chose an old lined journal of 256 pages. It’s canvas with faux leather corners and spine with a red ribbon book mark. Handwritten thoughts are still my choice of entry into the writing process. It’s totally a part…

Not Writing. Book In My Head – Day 8

As I enter Day 8 of National Poetry Month, I’m up to page 36 in my journal. I start a new one each time I have a specific project I want to keep intact. Today’s selection is based on a philosopher of interest. I hope you check out his work.  Poetry, fire and closed spaces…

Tomato By Any Name is an Appetizer – Part 1 of 2

So here’s what I really know about cooking. Let’s start with appetizers or in my case, a whole meal on certain days.

I have two best recipes for just about anything. If you know how to cook or not, you will find these of interest. If you master these top-secret carefully selected recipes you will never be at a loss when someone stops by or you are expected to “bring a little something” to a party or event.

Putting Me Back Together Again…

It’s so difficult keeping up with myself. I’m either off posting, or painting, or pinning, or writing, or reading, or liking, or linking, or sharing, or twittering. The cyber side always winning as I try to hone each aspect of my life into my creative and diverse interests.

It’s About the Width of It…

He taught me everything I know about the artist spirit. I never learned to paint in watercolors even though I tried for many years under his tutelage. He instilled in me a love of plein air painting (that’s painting outside for those who might not be familiar with the term.) He taught me how to “see” as an artist which is a lot different than just plain old looking.

Art in Five-Parts: The “BE” of Me & Other Idiosyncrasies

Art consumes about a third of my day, gobbles up most of my life in a rather chaotic way.     Paint It – Live It To help readers and followers avoid being swept into the overall  idiosyncratic vortex of my creative and all-encompassing life, I’m simplifying  where you can find things pertaining to my art and art-related…

Some Days Just Go to the Dogs

Maybe one of these days, I’ll paint his portrait. It probably won’t look like him, but it’s about the process. Picking up those sticks of pastel and smearing them around on the paper. And I can fill volumes about how light falls across his body. But that has little to do with painting dogs.

Pen the Dream Along with Me (Part Eight)

I think writers have a tendency to make this a lot harder than it needs to be. Reading is often the spark of creativity that our imagination needs. The universe, as I keep learning, works with us when we aren’t so insistent on trying to always do things our way.

Those Who Write…Those Who Write Clearly

I’m really trying to write to several dear friends on a regular basis. I’ve set a goal that each month I will directly communicate to those I know who are in their ninety’s by sending handwritten words. If I keep at that, I will then start writing to those in their eighties.

Prospect the K9 Road Tripper- One Reason Why I Paint

But this day, I met Prospect and his companion. They’re on a K9 Road Trip and let me take their photograph in front of the Old State House. If you need tips on dog friendly places when you travel, be sure to bookmark this site. You can Like Prospect on Facebook and follow him on Twitter as well. I’ll post my painting of him one of these days.

Pen the Dream Along With Me (Part Seven)

 ” My life as I had lived it had often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning and no end.  I had the feeling that I was a historical fragment, an excerpt for which the preceding and succeeding text was missing.  My life  seemed to have been snipped out of a long chain of…

Pen the Dream Along With Me (Part Six)

 e e cummings —”perdreamhapsing”    I’m so excited once again this month–I just discovered that people have subscribed to my blog!    Thank you so much, subscribers.  I just found out about you.   One, a friend, Sandra, who’s listed in my blogroll, shares the most insightful thoughts, and her photographs are terrific. Sandra,  you were my first subscriber (from like months ago).   I  ♥…

Reading and Writing – National Poetry Month

But it’s still about the words being put down in some sort of form one after the other. None of my words would have happened upon a page if a child long ago had not learned to read, had not learned to write, had not memorized poetry–the demands of insightful teachers in a world where critical thinking relied, in part, upon the knowledge held in those poems.

Pen the Dream Along With Me (Part Five)

One of my followers (I’ll call him Henry) wrote me the following:

“Had to go to a search engine to understand the meaning. “evanescent bound ephemera” At 76 such magic with words still brings a tear.”

This is what writing should be about. Henry had to look up the meaning of some words. I love Henry who’s 76 and still interested and vital and on Twitter. He knows how to party in this new social world! He knows what magic is. He believes in it, and I believe in Henry. He’s one of those people who offer me just enough encouragement to go public with my writing. He brought me a tear and I reciprocated.

Pen the Dream Along with Me (Part Four)

I am drawn to the words “swell,” “heaves,” “mélange,” “vibration,” and of course the old favorite, “revenant.” And blue appears once again. If I were Picasso, I would definitely be in my blue period right now. So many shades of blue and such a soulful word as it applies to music. I love that sadness has this beautiful edge to it.

Pen the Dream Along With Me (Part Two)

And please try not to spend another day, another year writing that book in your head. It took me a long time to figure out that’s actually called “thinking.” Writing is only writing if one actually “writes.” I hope you’ll grab a pen and start today.

Pen the Dream Along With Me

On this trek through, unscripted without knowing what the questions are, let alone the answers, I’m reminded of many favorite Gertrude Stein quotes, especially –“When you get there, there isn’t any there there.” At the end of April, I hope the there there will be a penned drafted draft. One can only dream — come…pen along with me.

A Book Review – I Remember Nothing

If you’re a writer, you need this book if for no other reason than to re-assure yourself you could write a book similar to this as it’s not really that long, it’s full of easy-to-refer-to lists, and it’s a delightful, albeit bitter-sweet, reassurance that aging is something do-able. For everyone else, you’ll fall in love with Nora Ephron all over again if you’ve forgotten how much you love her writing. And it even has a recipe. And if I ever learn to cook, I will try to make it.

NaNo NaNo — What?

I just had to take a break and write something other than my novel. What a strange sentence that is! I never thought I’d say something like that. Write something other than my novel? Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words seem to haunt me though: “The way to write is to throw your body at the mark when your arrows are spent.” Hmmmm… all I can say right now is , ” Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!”

When Inspiration Comes…

Everyone who creates – regardless of the chosen field – finds inspiration from almost everything. When inspiration comes…what truly makes the artist…is delving in..picking up a pen or brush..taking what is already there to the next level, birthing the next new thing, “such is the small talk before life begins.”

“Scribbled secret notebooks”

 Kerouac’s Spontaneous Prose  Rule 1 Scribbled secret notebooks, and wild typewritten pages, for yr own joy             What is it about the word “secret” that immediately peaks one’s interest?  Kerouac’s first rule beckons all writers to write then to transcribe just for the sheer pleasure of the writer.  Kerouac masterfully links secrecy and pleasure…